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Support us

Join our cause and help us empower youth and women through crafts in Africa!


We count on you

Collaborating with Essence of Africa means contribute to a more just and equitable world, where all individuals have access to opportunities and resources to develop their potential and improve their quality of life.

With your donation, you are supporting the promotion and dissemination of African crafts, a traditional and cultural activity that represents the richness and diversity of the continent.

Furthermore, you are collaborating in the empowerment of women and youth, encouraging their active participation in society and promoting gender equality.


Let's provide opportunities for the future to women and young people in Benin

Youdonation will allow us to continue with our projects

and reach more and more people in Africa who need oursupport.

With your contribution, we can continue working for a more just and sustainable future in Africa.

No matter how small, every donation can have a high impact.

There are different ways to make your donation

By Bank transfer

Account number:

ES47 3159 0028 9527 2873 8226


Asociación Esencia de Africa


Click on the following link and donate securely by card or through PayPal

By Bizum

A simple and practical way to donate is through your bizum with our code: 01421

And there you have it!

Become a member
You choose the amount you want to contribute monthly

Be part of our community, become a contributing member. You choose the monthly contribution with which you want to help make a fairer world.

Join our cause!

You can become a member by filling out the form at the following link: Join Us

If you have any questions, you can write to us at our email:


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